Monday, 25 November 2013

Uses and Gratification

Uses and gratifications theory (UGT) is the way in which we understand why and how people seek look at specific media in hope to fullfil a specific needs. UGT is an audience-centered approach to understanding mass communication.
UGT suggests that audiences are not passive but instead, but take an active role in integrating media into their daily lives. Audiences also have the powert to pick and choose between various media products, for the one that best suits their interests and needs, fullfilling specific gratifications.

the theroy suggests that the media must fullfil one of the following before we can choose a form of media:
  • To Identitfy:
Being able to identify or recognise the person on screen (Role Models)
  • To Educate:
Accuiring Information, Knowledge, and understanding on a product
  • To Entertain:
Acting as a form of escapism, entertaining the veiwer, whilst also acting as a form of temporary relief for everyday stress.
  • Social Interaction:
The ability for a media product to cause debate, discussion, and conversation between people.

  • has been critisised as people believe they have no control over what the media does or shows to the public.
  • The theory avoids the possibility that the media can have an unconscious influence on our lives and views on the world.
  • the theory suggests media viewers have a choice as to how they view and interpret things. This can be argued against, as media can me manipulated for a particular view point (such as the news)

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